NOTE: this website is no longer being maintained. Click the button under war tax resistance for updated information

About Us
Maine War Tax Resistance Resource Center Mission
The mission of the Maine War Tax Resistance Center is to educate, inform and support those considering redirection of their tax monies and those engaged in tax resistance; to work in coalition with other peace, environmental and social change advocates and to counter militarism in our schools, communities and culture. We hope to promote a wider awareness of where and how our money is spent and how it can be redirected to more peaceful and sustainable purposes for the greater good of all.
What We Do
War Tax Resistance is a strategy of withholding federal tax dollars in order to thwart funding the military-industrial complex and to protest killing people around the world in US wars and those armed with US weapons. For more than 30 Maine’s War Tax Resistance Resource Center operated from Monroe, Maine. The center moved to Portland, ME, in 2016. It provides support for the following activities in Maine:
An annual state gathering
Promotion of tax day events throughout the state
Assists Mainers who would like to attend the annual New England WTR gathering
Provides WTR counseling and workshops
The center facilitates a Youth and Militarism project as well.
Our Equal Opportunity Policy
MWTRRC has established and adopted an equal opportunity (EO) policy. The purpose of this EO policy is to ensure that all organizational decisions are made on a non-discriminatory basis, and without regard to sex, race, color, age, national origin, religion, disability, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity/reassignment, citizenship, pregnancy or maternity, veteran status, or any other status protected or unprotected by applicable national, federal, state or local law. Any person who has a question or concern regarding any type of discrimination or harassment is encouraged to bring it to the attention of MWTRRC’s Discernment Committee. MWTRRC sees discrimination as listed above and militarization as integrally linked with militarism and, therefore, MWTRCC functions as an inclusive group.